Tag Archives: Pdt. Emeritus Ki’marek Karoba Tawy

Hello world! Hello Melanesia! Hello New Guinea!

This is a special blog dedicated to present the stories of the Late Reverend Selion Karoba Tawy.

This blog will also present the vision and mission of his life and the work he has started, and to be completed by those family members and friends, brothers and sisters, children and grandchildren who are still alive and those to come.

Please pray so that this blog can be used as a blessing for those who are still alive, and can function as the channel for promoting the vision and work that Reverend Karoba has left.


06 August 2021: Pdt Emeritus Ki’marek Karoba Tawy berpulang ke Rumah Bapa di Sorga

Badan Pekeja Pusat dan Seluruh Umat,

atas Berpulangnya ke Rumah Bapa di Sorga,
Bapa, Tete, Nabi Ki’marek T. Karoba | Jumat, 06 Agustus 2021 | Pukul : 01:01 WIT.

Demikianlah Firman Tuhan :
Wahyu 14:13 Dan aku mendengar suara dari sorga berkata: Tuliskan: “Berbahagialah orang-orang mati yang mati dalam Tuhan, sejak sekarang ini.” “Sungguh,” kata Roh, “supaya mereka boleh beristirahat dari jerih lelah mereka, karena segala perbuatan mereka menyertai mereka.”

Terimakasih Bapa
Pahlawan Iman, Nabi dan Tokoh Baptisan SulungEngkau telah Meletakan Dasar yang Kokoh
Atas Gereja Injili Di Indonesia (GIDI)
kami Generasi akan melanjutkan Pekerjaan
yang engkau tinggalkan. Hingga sang Pemilik Pekerjaan itu Kembali.


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